Research associate Phuong-Danh Tran, of RNA medicines company Arcturus Therapeutics, conducts research on a vaccine for the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) at a laboratory in San Diego, California, U.S., March 17, 2020. (REUTERS/Bing Guan) This article was published in with the title "World desperately needs cooperation, leadership to beat COVID-19". Click to read:…
The recent controversy over the visit of a German Embassy staffer to the headquarters of the Islam Defenders Front (FPI) shows what happens when a diplomatic event has a brush with domestic politics. Here is what we know. On Dec. 17, 2020, an employee of the German Embassy visited the FPI headquarters in Petamburan, Central…
Pandemi Covid-19 telah mengubah perspektif pemerintah maupun pelaku industri dalam berbagai aspek, terutama dalam menjamin ketahanan kesehatan publik, pembangunan ekonomi, dan stabilitas politik. Di bidang ekonomi, setidaknya ada dua implikasi yang harus dicermati dalam mengantisipasi perubahan akibat dampak pandemi. Pertama, pandemi ini telah mendorong evaluasi terhadap global supply chain yang selama ini terpusat di beberapa…
Tepat 20 tahun lalu, tahun 1999, bangsa Indonesia mengalami peristiwa luar biasa : propinsi Timor Timur lepas dari NKRI setelah jajak pendapat yang dilakukan oleh PBB. Lepasnya Timor Timur juga dibarengi tragedi kemanusiaan yang ditandai kerusuhan, kekerasan, pembunuhan, pembakaran rumah dan gedung, dan ratusan ribu pengungsi. Mungkin sulit dipercaya, sampai sekarang tidak ada satupun kajian…
As if Covid-19 and economic recession were not enough, the world today has to bear with a wrangle between France and the Islamic world, sparked by controversy over President Emmanuel Macron’s recent statements about Islam. Macron made his comments after the gruesome beheading of French teacher Samuel Paty, who had shown a cartoon of Prophet…
Which country has Indonesia grown closest to in the last five years? My answer would be: China. Indonesia's partnership with China is perhaps the most substantial compared to that with other countries. Indonesia trades with China almost three times more than with the United States. China's investment in Indonesia has been the fastest growing compared…
In recent months, the world has witnessed a curious development in U.S. foreign policy: the emergence of a very hawkish, hostile and confrontational policy toward China. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has given a series of speeches attacking China. His speeches present some new themes: they aim specifically at the Chinese Communist Party…
The preferred policy response of every country threatened by COVID-19 seems to be a lockdown, or severely restricting movement (of people, goods and services) into and out of cities or countries. For now, this is undoubtedly the best way to slow down, contain and hopefully roll back the spread of the novel coronavirus within and…
Sejak virus COVID-19 resmi masuk ke wilayah Indonesia, dan dengan pengumuman resmi WHO bahwa COVID-19 telah menjadi pandemi global, Pemerintah RI, sambil terus menenangkan rakyat, perlu memperhitungkan risiko terburuk. Ada dua jenis risiko yang kita hadapi: risiko global, dan risiko lokal. Risiko global adalah disrupsi dan destruksi yang diakibatkan COVID-19 terhadap ekonomi dunia. Menurut data terakhir (pada…
By: Dino Patti Djalal, Former Indonesian ambassador to the US, founder of the Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI) (This article was published by The Jakarta Post in January 23, 2017) As America’s 45th president, you will become the leader of the free world, manage the world’s largest economy, command the world’s most powerful military,…