As global rifts deepen, middle powers can be the game-changer in 21st century world order.
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The Jakarta Post Tuesday, April 4th 2023
The world needs a bottom-up approach to interfaith peace-building By Dr. Dino Patti Djalal Do you think we are any closer to a world of tolerance and harmony? In 2016, PEW, a US-based research center, conducted a survey on how Muslims, Christians and Jews were treated…
Dewasa ini, seluruh dunia resah mengenai bahaya perubahan iklim serta dampaknya terhadap kehidupan di Bumi. Dari segala mara bahaya yang menanti apabila Bumi semakin memanas, salah satu dampak yang perlu kita ketahui adalah ancaman perubahan iklim terhadap terumbu karang, dimana sebagai salah satu kekayaan alam kita.
Melalui video ini, Dr. Dino Patti Djalal menyampaikan 1…
Research associate Phuong-Danh Tran, of RNA medicines company Arcturus Therapeutics, conducts research on a vaccine for the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) at a laboratory in San Diego, California, U.S., March 17, 2020. (REUTERS/Bing Guan) This article was published in with the title "World desperately needs cooperation, leadership to beat COVID-19". Click to read:…
Germany - FPI incident: What happened to trust?
By Dr. Dino Patti Djalal, Founder and Chairman of the Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI)
Published by the Jakarta Post on January 8th of 2021
The recent controversy over the visit of a German Embassy staffer to the headquarters of the Islam Defenders Front (FPI) shows what happens when…
Sudah hampir satu tahun pandemi COVID-19 mengguncang dunia dan berdampak bukan hanya terhadap sektor kesehatan masyarakat namun pada bidang ekonomi. Pandemi ini bahkan telah mengubah perspektif Pemerintah maupun pelaku industri dalam berbagai aspek terutama dalam menjamin ketahanan kesehatan publik, pembangunan ekonomi, dan stabilitas politik.
Di bidang ekonomi, setidaknya ada dua implikasi yang harus dicermati dalam…