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Ambassador Dino Pati Djalal

Residence: Jakarta, Indonesia
Twitter: @dinopattidjalal
Instagram : @dinopattidjalal

Presidential Spokesperson and Foreign Policy Advisor (2004-2010)
Ambassador to the United States (2010 – 2013)
Indonesia’s Marketeer of the Year 2012
Joined the Presidential race under the ruling Partai Demokrat (2014)
Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs (2014)
Founder of Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia


Dino was born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia on 10th September 1965 into an Indonesian diplomatic family.  As the son of a diplomat, he lived in Jakarta, Yugoslavia, Guinea, Singapore, Washington DC, New York, Ottawa, Vancouver.  As a diplomat, he was posted to London, Dili, Washington DC.

Throughout his life, Dino Patti Djalal has had a mix of Islamic as well as Western education.  He went to Muhamadiyyah elementary and Al-Azhar junior high school and completed his high school in McLean, Virginia.  Subsequently, he earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada); a Masters Degree in Political Science from Simon Fraser University (Vancouver, Canada), and a Ph.D. in International Relations from the London School of Economics and Political Science (London, UK).

Dino Patti Djalal joined Indonesia’s Department of Foreign Affairs in 1987.  He quickly rose through the ranks, with postings in London, Dili, and Washington DC.  He gained national spotlight when he became the Indonesian Government spokesperson in the UN referendum in East Timor in 1999. In 2002, he was appointed Director of North American Affairs.  In 2004, when President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono began his term, Dino was appointed Special Staff of the President for International Affairs.  In that capacity, Dino assumed many roles: Presidential spokesperson, foreign policy adviser to the President, speech writer.  Dino kept this job for 6 years until 2010, making him the longest serving Presidential spokesperson in Indonesia’s modern history.

From 2010 to 2013, Dino served as Indonesia’s ambassador to the United States, where he succeeded in elevating bilateral relations to a Comprehensive Partnership.

In 2010, Dr. Dino received Bintang Jasa Utama, the state’s second highest order of merit; and in 2014, he received Bintang Mahaputra Adipradana, the state’s highest medal for meritorious service.

In 2013, Dr. Dino won the prestigious “Marketeer of the Year”, an award that was won by President Joko Widodo when he served as mayor of Solo. 

In early 2014, Dino joined the convention of the then ruling party Partai Demokrat to select a Presidential candidate.  Dino campaigned as an independent and was not a party member of Partai Demokrat.

In June 2014, Dino was appointed Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs, until October that year. He retired from the Indonesian Government in mid-2015.

Dr. Dino has authored 11 books.  Most well-known is “Harus Bisa”, a book about leadership, which became a national best seller in Indonesia with some 2 million copies sold and translated into English, Mandarin, Korean, Russian, French, Arabic, Japanese.

Dr. Dino is also Chairman of the Board of Directors, World Resources Institute (WRI) Indonesia, which is part of the World Resources Institute (WRI) based in Washington DC. The WRI is known to be one of the world’s best thinktanks for issues relating to sustainable development.

Dr. Dino also served (but no longer) a member of Board of Governors of Institute for Peace and Democracy, based in Bali. 

In 2015, Dr. Dino founded Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI). In a short time span, FPCI has become the large foreign policy in Indonesia, with over 100,00 people in its network. FPCI is also the convenor of what is said to be the world’s largest foreign policy conference, the Conference on Indonesian Foreign Policy — in 2019, over 11,000 registered for the event. In the same year, Dino also launched the Supermentor program, a public program featuring iconic figures and high-achievers to inspire the youth about life skills and tips for success.

Dino is also a member of Executive Committee of the Paris Peace Forum, while FPCI has become a founding member of the Paris Peace Forum. 

Dino also founded the 1000 Abrahamic Circles, an inter-faith program to promote mutual respect and push back inherited bigotry at the grassroots by engaging religious leaders of Islam, Christianity and Judaism from various countries in a 3-week “personal bonding” journey. Thus far, 3 Abrahamic Circles have been created, involving religious leaders from Indonesia, the US, Serbia, New Zealand, Australia and Sri Lanka. The 1000 Abrahamic Circles was chosen to be featured at the Paris Peace Forum in 2017, and in 2020 received the Inter-Cultural Award for Innovation from Austria. The program has also been officially endorsed Vice-President Maruf Amin and by Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi.

In 2018, Dr. Dino became the chairman of Indonesian Lecturers Association (Asosiasi Dosen Indonesia – ADI).

Dino is also widely known as the father of Indonesian Diasporas, given his role in launching the first World Congress of Indonesian Diasporas in Los Angeles in 2012, and for coining the term “Indonesian diaspora” as well as for conceiving of the Indonesian Diaspora Network (IDN) worldwide.

Dino is a Guinness World Record Holder for the largest angklung ensemble, which he organized in 2011 at the National Monument in Washington DC.  With over 375,000 followers, Dr. Dino has been called “the Twitter ambassador”.

Dino was infected with Covid-19 in September 2015, and after enduring a serious near-death experience, he managed to beat the virus.

Soon after recoering from Covid-19, Dr. Dino and FPCI convened an ambitious Global Town Hall “Rebuilding from the Covid-19 World”, which was participated by some 9800 participants from 83 countries. Speakers at the Town Hall include : the Foreign Ministers of Indonesia, China, Russia, India, Australia, the European Union and South Africa, Director-General for WHO Dr. Tedros Adhanon and President of AIIB Jin Liqun, among others.

In late 2020, Dino joined a talk show program at Mola TV, where he interviewed actor Robert De Niro, director Spike Lee, John Travolta, Sylvester Stallone, Richard Gere, Mel Gibson, Kurt Russel, Susan Sarandon, Ron Howard, Francis Ford Coppola, Dana White.

Dr. Dino is married to dentist Rosa Rai Djalal and they are blessed with 3 children Alexa, Keanu and Chloe. They live in Jakarta, Indonesia.